markdown 语法学习

markdown-it demo 和even-preview对比,可以看出even-preview语法支持的不够全。 Advertisement :) pica - high quality and fast image resize in browser. babelfish - developer friendly i18n with plurals support and easy syntax. You will like those

Redis-stack helm chart

Redis-stack helm chart Run Redis Stack on Docker Docker Pull Command 1 docker pull redis/redis-stack:7.4.0-v0 Getting started with Docker In the default configuration, Redis does not require a password to authenticate clients. To provide basic security for your Redis Stack server, it is recommended to set a password using the requirepass directive. Configure this using an environment variable when starting the container: To start Redis Stack server using the redis-stack image, run the following command in your terminal:

leveldb 安装及使用

leveldb 安装及使用 leveldb 简介 leveldb 是 Google 用 C++ 开发的一个快速的键值对存储数据库,提供从字符串键到字符串值的有序映射。 leveldb 安装 下载 leveldb 1 git clone 编译 leveldb 1 2 cd leveldb/ make 编译的